Build fast, responsive GUI/Console Applications/ Programs with ZAM

Quickly design and customize responsive Applications/Programs with ZAM, the world’s most quickest open source Advance Multirole GUI Programming Language, can create and interact with databases can create/deploy webservers with built in functions hundreds of ready to use built in functions no need to import external libraries, responsive, quick and fast, extensive prebuilt components, and powerful plugins. More over it can be used with other programming/scripting languages.It supports cross-language scripting. Easy To Learn.

Currently v4.7.5


Create GUI Application with just one Function in seconds

The build-in zindow() function allows you to create an GUI application in seconds. You dont need to import anything unlike other languages. Build-in Functions have their own importance as they provide you extensive support.

See Reference

Create and Interact with SQLite3 Databases

The inbuild zadb() and zdbv() functions allows to create and interact with SQLite3 databases. You can create database create tables in databases modify them perform insert or delete operations select from database and store it as array, string or number.

See Reference

Supports Cross-Language-Scripting and Cross-Language-Programming

ZAM supports Cross-Language-Scripting and Cross-Language-Programming especially with SQLite3, HTML, JS, PHP, Python and JSON. This reduces headache for developers in cross language debugging

See Reference

Tons of build in Functions

With huge build-in library which is very fast specially with windows os you dont even need to import any external library and not even internal as ZAM automatically detects and import them for you. You can also import your own library or third party library if you wish to.

See Reference

Multiple different Types Of Looping Statements

ZAM has different types of build-in looping statements like any other programming language. They can also be used in combinations like many other programming languages but unlike many other languages you can also use them in combination in the same statement but should match the syntax for combinations in same statements.

See Reference

No need of indentations or braces

The Best part about ZAM is it doesn't requires braces for functions or any other statements. You can end statements either with newline or with semicolons and newline for single-line functions ZEND for multiline functions.

See Reference

You can define your own custom functions apart from build-ins ones

Like many other languages in ZAM you can define your own functions and call them. In ZAM you can have a single line defined by using arrow with after bracket or multiline line function defined without arrow and ended with ZEND keyword.

See Reference

Variables and Checking functions

In ZAM you can define variable using ZAM keyword and can call them by the given identifier you dont need again and again use ZAM keyword for variable unlike other language which make use of var or $ compulsory. In ZAM you can also check if given variable is string function or number using build in keywords.

See Reference

Different types of Conversion Functions

ZAM allows you conversion of numerical strings to numbers and numbers to string and viceversa. Using zonum() function you can convert numerical strings into numbers ZAM automatically checks if its a integer of a float before converting it. You can also convert float or numeric string to integer and integer or numeric string to float.

See Reference

Different types of Operations and variables

ZAM is very advance as compared to most of languages in operations it can perform different types of operation using the very same operators it also have functions for this purpose but you can also use operators to the same. ZAM also have many different types of variables such as functions, arrays, strings and numbers

See Reference

Converting String To Code and running it

ZAM allows you conversion of strings to ZAM executable code. Using zocode() function you can convert strings into ZAM executable code and run it automatically it checks if errors are present automatically and prompt error. This is very useful in running code stored in Database or sending or invoking commands in ZAM from JavaScript

See Reference

Date and Time functions in ZAM

ZAM has multiple different types of build-in date/time/datetime functions. ZAM returns it in format of a string. This may be seen as disadvantage but seeing it from different perspective you think its beneficial you dont need to convert it to string to add into string also its already sqlite3 standards so you can directly inset into database.

See Reference

Used For

Developing HTML/URL based GUI Applications

Developing Console Based Applications

Creating/Deploying Webserver

SQLite3 Database Management

Cross Platform File Handelling Operations

Note ZAM is mainly used for these but that doest not limits the ability and features of ZAM performing a wide range of work

Donate For ZAM

ZAM is alive with your donations please fund me to keep this project continue with newer releases and more features with time. Your Small Donations also matters with your contributions only this platform can grow so please contibute as much as you can. This helps me to keep this platform alive and release newer versions of ZAM. You can fund us using paytm, patereon,etc.

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