ZAM was created first by Mohammed Zahid Imtiyaz Wadiwale on 30 september 2020
Intially ZAM was created as a University project on python. ZAM is completely written in Python. ZAM is GUI/Console procedural Oriented Programming Language .Later a bug fixed version of ZAM which is ZAM 1.4 was uploaded to github. The first build of ZAM was only for windows OS on 2nd October on the event event of Gandhi Jayanti in India ZAM v1.4 was released for Linux OS for the first Time. Zahid(me) after feeling it should have some more necessary function i later added and compiled it as v2.4 of ZAM. It was released on 5 OCT 2020 for Windows OS and on 6 OCT 2020 it was also released for Linux OS. On 6th OCT 2020 documentation for ZAM was created on and a static website was also created on github for project. The Source Code was made public on 6th OCT 2020. The Community Tab and Video Tutorials were also setup on 6th OCT 2020. Carrier page was however set up later on 7 OCT 2020.
On 29 December 2020 ZAM v3.6 was released but was taken back due to errors. On 1 March ZAM v4.7 was written with different approach much better than its predecers and more functions were added however no function was deprecated or removed and coding is same execpt for new methods and function now even numbers can be added to strings. On 5rd March it was transpiled down to C for faster code execution as it was slower with python as result it became very fast compared to previous versions. Then it was compiled and on 17 March was released for public(for Windows User) this time ZAM had its own Installer which made it easy for users to install it.